MetaPhysics, ParaNormal

Sacrifices To An Ancient Sea God In South Florida

Episode 22 – DemiPhase

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New Pelican article:
Drowning can happen quickly and silently, in as little as 20-60 seconds. To help prevent drowning, you can:

  1. Swim near a lifeguard tower
  2. Pay attention to the flags and signs that indicate water conditions
  3. If caught in a rip current, swim sideways until you’re out, then swim diagonally toward shore
  4. Install a pool barrier or fencing around your pool
  5. Install childproof locks or alarms on all windows or doors
  6. Give children formal swimming lessons
  7. Have someone closely supervise children in the pool

Why would the town not want to save lives by taking simple measures? Is there a necessary sacrifice being made to an ancient god who ensures the success and safety of the city?

House Healing, Ghost Hunting, and Exorcism Books

  1. Shadows of the Sunshine State: Advanced Ghost Hunting Techniques in Miami
  2. Cleansing the Coast: Exorcising Demons in Virginia’s Hampton Roads
  3. Spirits Unveiled: House Healing Techniques for Ghost Hunters in Virginia Beach